Recent content by Wattson

  1. Wattson

    Mr.root hack o bug?

    It may be my PC but is the video lagging?
  2. Wattson

    Read Regarding Super Bouncing in Public Games

    Of course, the person who can't BRX properly is going to ban super duper jumpers.
  3. Wattson


    Maybe use a different server? A lot of people record, if anyone catches anything they are quick to upload. So far nothing in the Wall of Shame section. Guessing it may just be a jealous person of sick-tastic skillz! :eek::eek:
  4. Wattson

    strange bug

    Download DS4
  5. Wattson

    Yonhytaz24 aim hack

    What a champ
  6. Wattson

    Footlicker117 insult in the forum

    Kiddos it is just a game lol chill
  7. Wattson

    possible hack? $CAMILO$

    He was missing some shots around the 34sec mark. Idk though :rolleyes:
  8. Wattson

    ¿mod grafico?

    Durn, just get the Remastered if you want better graphics.
  9. Wattson

    How do ranks even work?

    If it is anything like it use to be, then get ready for 20 wins in a row with no progression v.v
  10. Wattson

    Modern Controls?

    Controller is life
  11. Wattson

    Uh Oh...

    I may be putting another Shittage together soon, with more basic kill clips :cool: Like epic BRX kills on players not moving, and epic shot gun kills! Maybee slip in a few awesome hacking moments :eek: #ProStatus #NeedaFriend Cleaning up PC, so gotta get rid of old H2 vids. Also, I need a...
  12. Wattson

    Just in case....

    Accused of hacking yet again, so here is proof just in case.
  13. Wattson

    Alukard Rapid Fire

    What in the potato farm are you recording with? You can hear the second set of shots go off (very quickly) after you/he died. Player died within the first set of shots and had full shield? Shenanigans.