04b_floodlab findings

Aug 17, 2015
I've been doing a bit of messing around with Assembly, just with AI battles and such.

However I think I've found some things script related that I thought I should document and see if anyone knows anything about it.

This is in reference to the encounter at the beginning of the level where beneath the floor you see the Heretics and Flood fight.

- the flood forms win regardless of difficulty, the Heretic Elites are set to be insta-killed after a certain trigger/killed by Flood.
- changing the team of the squads effects some sort of script, changing either squad to another team creates these changes:

1) changing either squad to Heretic causes the squad to take extra damage (it seems) resulting in a quicker death.
2) changing the squad to Flood causes the squad to be invulnerable.
3) changing the squad to Covenant causes the squad to be invulnerable or take less damage, dependent on difficulty.

- even changing spawns around has this effect during this sequence, for example: changing your team Elite to spawn down there will have the same effects as above.

If I find anything I'll add to this post. If anyone else has found anything like this, message here, would be cool to see some findings.