Recent content by 343N

  1. 343N

    343i's thoughts on Halo 2 PC. 343i is Killing Halo PC

    no. nagging at them constantly will only make them not reply to us, they're not gonna go 'ALRIGHT FINE HERE HALO 2.5 PC ANNOUNCED TO STEAM' don't constantly nag at them or you're gonna ruin it for the rest of us.
  2. 343N

    343i's thoughts on Halo 2 PC. 343i is Killing Halo PC

    Ah, okay. So HaloWaypoint is saying that nothings happening, but bsangel is said this: so.... and bsangel's been the one talking about all the updates anyway And take note that this is a newer tweet than that one. Oh, and take another note of how HaloWaypoint says 'due to legacy tech, no...
  3. 343N

    Message to 343i getting some help from 343i

    I'll be honest, you're asking for way too much for a game with a population of 20 people. And h2? Free to play? I don't think that's ever gonna happen. I just want it on steam and fix the game in general (mouse acceleration and all that jazz). AMD drivers are still up (for halo 3) and the Steam...
  4. 343N

    343i's thoughts on Halo 2 PC. 343i is Killing Halo PC

    also by legacy tech they probably mean that Halo 2 is old as hell and they have no idea how to work with it because it was long before 343i were a thing
  5. 343N

    343i's thoughts on Halo 2 PC. 343i is Killing Halo PC

    we've gotta ask BSAngel, not HaloWaypoint because BSAngel is the person we originally asked. HaloWaypoint might just be some MS goon like you said.