Recent content by Kasubii27

  1. Kasubii27

    Spartans or elites?

    I prefer Spartans. I just really like space marines and stuff.
  2. Kasubii27

    Is it possible to develop Bots for Halo 2?

    Hi, I'm a new Halo player from Vietnam and I'm having a lot of problems playing online. So I thought about the possibility of Bots for the game for those who can't afford good internet connection. If it’s possible or there is already a Bot mod out there, please tell me. Thank you in advance!
  3. Kasubii27


    Hello everyone, I'm a kid from Vietnam who just got into Halo, and I'm very looking forward to be a part of this big community! Since I'm not too familiar with forums, I do apologize for any mistakes that I make along the way. Glad to meet you all!