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  1. H

    "DonalTrumpMAGA" Hacking all day on SHotty swords 50

    I didnt say he was floating in last vid. said he did in first one. And Im not sure what Aim bot looks like yet so not sure if it was or not.
  2. H

    "DonalTrumpMAGA" Hacking all day on SHotty swords 50

    Thanks, have only ever seen him play in the Shotty Swords 50 game mode
  3. H

    "DonalTrumpMAGA" Hacking all day on SHotty swords 50

    Well you see him floating...and using aim bot I,m pretty sure but W.E....I would like to take my time to enjoy the game, not spend hours video capturing,uploading and in the forums..but I give up, hopefully someone else eventually will capture it.
  4. H

    "DonalTrumpMAGA" Hacking all day on SHotty swords 50

    Can you look at seconds 35 to 45 in the 3rd video... Its not easy catching a cheater perfectly with video proof. but tons of players have been complaining about him and I,m doing my part on trying to capture it and report it...hard to get someones name in my cross hairs when they can float.
  5. H

    "DonalTrumpMAGA" Hacking all day on SHotty swords 50

    First Video, seconds 4 to 6. how does he float up to the bridge like that. I assure you he is cheating, has been for weeks, I just started learning to video capture and will try to get better videos of it when I,m on. But I see him jumping and floating high and faster then all other players.
  6. H

    "DonalTrumpMAGA" Hacking all day on SHotty swords 50

    Spelt name wrong in Title, its DonaldTrumpMAGA, I,m not good at video capturing, my first time, so if anyone can get better ones I would appreciate it.
  7. H

    "DonalTrumpMAGA" Hacking all day on SHotty swords 50

    Please look into this player, he has been harassing players all day on 1/17/18 and been using floating and speed hacks.