How's it going?

Mar 25, 2013
Houston, TX
I'm not really one for the intro/first post thing so I'll just copy (more or less) what I had from MM:

For those of you who haven't looked at my Gamer profile my real name is Brett. I was born and raised in Texas and am 25 years old. I've been playing video games since elementary school, and since I had really severe asthma and allergies back then I spent most of my free time playing them. I started to study computers more after my sophomore year of high school and have learned quite a lot (both through reading and hands on experience). Unlike most gamers I'm epileptic, which can be frustrating but I haven't had a seizure since my junior year of high school. I've been a part of the H2MT for a while and help where I can.

TL;DR Hi. :lol: