  • Hello, my name is Fabricio, I am from Colombia, I would like to apologize for the use of ban that was made 4 years ago in my account approximately, I really wanted please a help from your collaboration, regarding it and if it was possible to return to the game. I'm really very sorry.

    My username is Albriliu.
    hola,me podrias ayudar a registrarme en el juego como tal si lees esto porfa escribeme al 318 3071094

    Hello, could you help me to register in the game as such if you read this please write to me at 318 3071094
    hola buenas tardes mi comentario es que porfavor me ayuden a volver a jugar halo la verdad no se por que me banearon un dia normal jugaba y al otro dia apareci que no me dejba entrar un compañero desde su pc intento entar aver que era y el automaticamente fue baneado sin razones quisiera volver a jugar halo 2 ya que es mi mayor distracion en tiempo libre
    Greetings Stalkers!
    hey, i haven't seen you online in a while, where you been? i miss following your every step....
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