Nothing Works... Please Help...

Jun 19, 2017
Hi. I'm new here. It's been a while since I played Halo 2. I really wanted to play it online thogh. so anyway I tryed EVERYTHING to make this game work online. I tryd watching tutorials on youtube on how to play halo 2 online (Before I heard about this forum) but nothing works. (but trying to somehow make a windows live account. i don't know. I have no idea what I did.) so I basaclly gave up at that point. but one day my freind showed me this place can actually make you play halo 2 online! so anyway we both donwloaded, and registerd and followd the instrudions step by step. his game works no problem. but mine dosent. it greets me with the fake windows live account and it dosen't work. I tryed to reinstall, but nothing works. I tryid to delete every single file of halo 2 and windows line, but no good. so aftar I did that I tryed to enter the launcher again. but now it gives me this message: "LIVE gaming on windows has faild to initilaize. This may be bacause another gaming application is running on windows." (and nothing is running excpet this message trust me I checkd...)

So yeah I'm out of ideas. And I don't know what to do And I REALLY whanna play this game online. someone please contact me asap...


Project Cartographer Staff
May 10, 2017
are you running the game through the launcher? if not, do it. the error you're reporting (windows live) is a case of missing a crucial file that the launcher is supposed to download. so maybe you're not running the launcher as an administrator or some software is blocking the launcher downloading files. did you follow the official installation guide? do you get an error in the launcher? does the launcher actually update? please give us more information