
Jun 25, 2013
played against rearedig906 tonight, just me and romer ,didn't matter that he had a plasma pistol that when charged couldnt miss ,charge followed our warthog around the base hit me all night ,then one shot from battleriffle and your dead, classic campaign combo,doesn't matter there was 2 against 4 still had to cheat ,didn't bother me it was a no win game for us anyway ,but I read the forums in waypoint bungie and other sites and players are still buying the game, one game of that shit and they wont come back ,we need players TO KEEP THE GAME GOING.....................
Jun 25, 2013
posted this only because he doesn't need to cheat hes a better player than me and most players and they would just be better games :confused: and nobody has a reply to this?
Mar 22, 2013
its called the "noob combo"
Noob Combo = Plasma Pistol + Battle Rifle (or and other weapon that is not plasma, but mainly Plasma Pistol and BR)

The Plasma Charged Pistol can follow you for awhile and can also trace/follow you pretty well esp in a big vehicle like a warthog.

Noob Combo is the charged projectile from the plasma pistol then a shot from the BR which equates to a one shot kill. Its just two shots one from the plasma pistol and one from the br, no hacks there....


Reardig906 = GG Jay a good solid player, but alas according to some people, skill = hacks. so please clunki#stwheel do not listen to those some people. It makes Ya'll sound just like rootofallevil aka "Boy who cries wolf" it's really annoying...

if there are hacks or hackers or you think there are hacks or hackers, record the game for crying out loud and it doesnt matter if you are an admin or not, record it and do whats right and provide proof of said hacks or hackers dont be a butt hurt baby poor sport and cry hacks when there a lack of hacks and you just can't play and don't like loosing or dying and get owned... Man up and take a loss like a man and don't be a baby about it. It's a game play it and enjoy the game, do get crazy and cry wolf...


you are a good player clunky and im not trying to be mean or anything in any way shape or form.


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