Halo 2 SP Centered Crosshair

Feb 26, 2016
Not sure where to post this so I hope this is the right place. I've also searched the forums but found nothing related to this topic in terms of a solution

I've been looking into the crosshair and how there seems to be no tools readily available to center the SP crosshair unlike for the MP crosshair. If you are still interested in playing Halo 2 SP for some reason then you might want a centered crosshair like me. Here is how to do it yourself. Skip to step 4 if you already have and know how to use Cheat Engine.

1. Download Cheat Engine which you can find at the following link


Pay attention when you install as it will want to install some third party applications or extensions.

2. Install it and run both Halo 2 and Cheat Engine afterwards.

3. Make sure to select Halo 2 by clicking on the icon with the computer with a magnifying glass over it and find your Halo 2 process.

4. Set your value to 0.1650000066, make sure you select Rounded (default), scan type to exact value and value type to float. Click first scan when this is done. Here is an image of what it should look like


5. You should get something that looks like the following image. Ignore the green.


Right click them one by one, select change value of selected address and enter 0 until your get a centered crosshair.

You should be done after this. Enjoy a centered crosshair in SP.

Edit: Turns out even the 3 to look for isn't exactly sacred either. Guide still works fine and editing everything that shows up to be zero shouldn't give too many problems. I would need to do a proper playthrough to make sure but you should be fine either way.