Please post all comments, concerns, issues, etc about this update here. We are especially interested in comments regarding connectivity, gameplay stability, lag, shot registration, blue screens, etc. Thanks
Thanks for improving the connection to join other people's servers had a great time playing custom games with people!
Although I noticed even on my own servers that there where connection issues and ping problems, this could just be an issue on my end but I don't think it was like that in
Thanks for all your hard work guys in bringing Halo 2 back from the dead
Shot Registration w/the Sniper[Human] is awful for most server(s).
-BR feels ridiculous stronger and registration for long distance is amazing.
-Haven't use a Carbine
-SMG (Dual n Single) feels useful
* the rest of the weapons "no comment"
Gauss Hog Turret is good [depending] on connection and shots are slow.
-Chain Hog is the same, including Wraith, Scorpion, Ghost n Spectre.
-Banshee is somewhat the same, kinda more OP honestly. Especially doing Tricks now. [Easier to do]
No issues connecting to Dedicated or Peer Host; no disconnecting or Bluescreen issues so far.
Don't see this lag people are referring to. Only lag I can witness are those with actual bad internet w/constant red bars. No warping so far.
This Error show constantly whenever I play a match in Halo 2 online for about 2 or 3 minutes it happens in every server I play on and host matches from players and when I click continue from this error Halo 2 just freezes and goes laggy for 20 minutes
-Decreased bullet magnetism/aim assist less "sticky"
-No reg on 800 BR velocity LIVE vs. good hit reg on 800 LAN
-Random black screen when playing, (similar to the black screen with the scoreboard before re spawning)
-Ping bars not really accurate
-More frequent fall damage + fall damage from distances you normally shouldn't take fall damage from (e.g. jumping out of terminal parking garage, p3 to p1 on midship)
-Slight kill feed delay in some situations
Personally not having any real issues. Game seems overall crisper as far as connection and BR battles go. Only issue I've noticed is my mouse was flickering when moving on the main menu but that may have been a one time thing.
I have encountered a weird bug where you can lose you weapons completely and the screen goes black for a moment; occurs when you try to do a backpack pickup; I have a clip of it in my recordings folder but it's very crowded so it will be a bit before I find it to upload
i like most of the features in the update, just wished the Sniper and Carbine wasn't tweaked for the most part. The servers are honestly decent and x10 better than the ones we had before.
Map downloading is a bit buggy. You'll get the map but it'll still ask you to redownload the map again?????? But it doesn't really occur 99% of the time though.
H2X is shit imo, kinda don't really see a point in seeing it being played when it's not even 100% classic halo 2 feel lol.
i rate this meme 7.8/10
hosting games is impossible because cunts w shitty cumbo net can steal ur host and the server browser takes like 2 minutes to load also u can't add favorite servers and u can't search servers by gametype either. also the server browser isn't real time and u have to refresh it and it takes ages to reload. wall glitching is more overpowered than before. in the server browser i get 1/3 bars but ingame i still have green bars on 250 ping
No issues for me really, No FPS drops which I seen people say in discord. But some servers are more laggy and the killfeed delays more then usual. Does anyone have an idea when Ranks will happen as I'm very excited for that