New profile posts

Hello, my name is Fabricio, I am from Colombia, I would like to apologize for the use of ban that was made 4 years ago in my account approximately, I really wanted please a help from your collaboration, regarding it and if it was possible to return to the game. I'm really very sorry.

My username is Albriliu.
Sod I got a question and also I'm a big fan of yours, it's about modding Elites! I need your help, if you could help me, I'll appreciate it a lot
Just joined :) Hello all! and I am SOOOO happy to see serves online and working, I was there the exact day the Halo 2 servers Shut down for good.... R.I.P.. but hay! this is just the same! and once this takes off it will be sick!!! Love the Remake!! 10/10!
hola,me podrias ayudar a registrarme en el juego como tal si lees esto porfa escribeme al 318 3071094

Hello, could you help me to register in the game as such if you read this please write to me at 318 3071094
hola,me podrias ayudar a registrarme en el juego como tal si lees esto porfa escribeme al 318 3071094 porfavor

Hello, could you help me to register in the game as such if you read this please write to me at 318 3071094 pilssss
hola,me podrias ayudar a registrarme en el juego como tal si lees esto porfa escribeme al 318 3071094

Hello, could you help me to register in the game as such if you read this please write to me at 318 3071094
UF ShadowTeddy
UF ShadowTeddy
Hi Kevin, registering a project cartographer account is done within the game - which means you will need to install it. Setup guide here:

If you still require assistance, join our discord server or make a forum post within our help section
alguien me podría ayudar!! no me deja pasar del inicio ya puse la cuenta y todo pero no entiendo que pasa porfavor.

can someone help me!! won't let me go from the start I already put the account and everything but I don't understand what happens plissss.

escribanme #318 3071094
Hello Staff , i Download Project Cartoghrapher and creat account on it and confirmed the creation to run game online but that window "Online acount" doesn't Appear thanks For your Reply
Good Afternoon
I have been banned since 2018, I would like to play again, I do not know what I have to do to regain access, in this quarantine it is necessary to play something and I really like halo 2, if you can help me it would be great.
Sorry for the disturbances
Buenas noches, acabo de instalar pero por mas que intento ingresar insiste el juego en que mi cuenta esta baneada, alguien me puede ayudar gracias!!